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Dear McAuley Families
Welcome and welcome back to 2025. I trust all enjoyed memorable time with family and friends and a break from the routines of work and life. There is a great energy at the College as we commence with all year levels by the end of this week. We begin fully staffed (which is a blessing) as the teacher shortage is very real for many schools across Australia. We welcome 8 new staff this year on both Primary and Secondary Campuses making our staffing total around 60.
We are at capacity in all year levels with wait lists in some. Interest in enrolment at the College remains high amongst our local community.
In all classes this week staff will talk about our College Crest. This crest we wear close to our heart symbolizing our history and purpose. It is our “brand”.
The symbols on our crest are representative of our Mercy value and origins as well as the beautiful natural landscape we are blessed with.
Our motto “Believe, Strive, Achieve” gives us strong, aspirational words on which to work through the year in the hope that all will achieve at their personal best.
I will refer often to our College Motto – Believe, Strive and Achieve. These key verbs give us powerful actions on which to build our goals and to make excellent progress as we embark on another busy and exciting year at the College.
Welcome to our new staff:
Samantha Wyers
Kathryn Gooch
Mick Stewart
Anthea Kinny
Max Townsend
Jordan Maki-Richards
Lillee Bellette
Liz Fordham
Over the last few days, the staff have undertaken professional learning around high impact teaching strategies, behaviour expectations (curriculum) as well as administration and planning. Our Primary staff have done a full day of intervention training to ensure that our staff and students are safe and well cared for in times of stress and upset.
During the break we worked to have more modular classrooms installed behind the McAuley Hall. Ramps and decking and path connections are almost complete. We hope to have ICT and power fully connected by the end of this week for Secondary classes to be timetabled into these new rooms.
Please always remember that education is a partnership between home and family. Our values, customs, expectations and practices align to nurture and encourage our sons and daughters to be the best possible versions of themselves.
Please take the time to get to know your children’s teachers and share in the excitement of the adventure that lies ahead.
Our boys and girls will be weary these next few days. Please allow some good time to settle. Encourage good organisation, get to know timetables and set routines. All these actions will lower anxiety and help us all feel organised, safe and exited about what is to come.
Please be sure that your details are correct in Compass so that you will receive notifications about events, excursions and camps that are coming soon. There is already a lot happening as we get under way.
I am looking forward to a great and positive 2025 with much to be grateful for.
Mary our mother, look after us.
Eamonn Moore
On the evening of 16 December 2024, the College gathered together in the Hall to celebrate our first K-12 College Awards Assembly. It was an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of all students across both campuses and to present some prestigious awards. Congratulations to all who received awards, you should be very proud!

There was excitement all around the College on Tuesday morning as we welcomed existing and new students in Years 1-6, 7 and 11-12. It's a particularly exciting day for the Year 7 class as they join the Secondary Campus. Everyone seemed very excited to be back and eager for the year ahead.
We had a wonderful morning greeting our Kindergarten 2025 class for their first day at the College on Thursday. Big thank you to all the parents and families that attended this morning and to the 4 Chicks Coffee Van for making sure everyone was caffeinated for the busy day ahead. There were a few tears shed as the students filed off to class...... mostly from the parents!

Well its official, Kindergarten have joined the McAuley team! It was a fabulous day filled with stories, craft, writing and counting and making new friends. Thanks for sharing your wonderful little people with us Kinder families, they are so special and we are lucky to have them!

The weather was absolutely perfect for a day at the pool today as Years 3 - 12 competed at the College Swimming Carnival. Results weren't available at the time of sending the newsletter out but we did manage to get some fabulous photos of the day!

Tumut Basketball Association
Tumut Basketball nominations are open for the 2025 Autumn competition.
Team and Individual nominations open Monday 3 February 2025
Teams can be formed for Miniball from Year 1 up
Teams can be formed for Basketball night competition from year 7 up
Children in Kindergarten can only do the skill sessions
Nominations close on Friday 14 February 2025 5pm
Competition hoping to start 3 March 2025
All information and forms can be found on our Facebook page or our website
Any inquiries can be made to the registrar, Trish Day on 0427 474 768