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Dear McAuley Families
We are enduring yet another unusual finish to the school year. The wet weather is making our cohorting arrangements difficult, but we are doing our very best. I am very grateful for the resilience and flexibility of our students who are really getting used to things changing at the last minute whist remaining positive and busy.
Teachers are working very hard in assessment and reporting and keeping to timelines as we race to the last days of school. Thanks to them for their endurance and continued care as we work to navigate the ever changing regulations and restrictions. I have been advised that we will remain at Level 3 restrictions for the rest of this school year. That means end of year assemblies and presentations will go ahead without parents’ onsite and in cohort groups. Our Year 10 Graduation will be split into two parts – a Mass and Presentation in the Church followed by a social dinner at the Golf Club. Requirements and arrangements are being sent home as we are able to be certain we are following correct protocols.
Please see below for a summary of current restrictions:
- All volunteers and those helping or working at school must show proof of vaccination.
- Masks must be worn indoors by all staff and students in Year 7 and above.
- Masks must be worn correctly covering nose and mouth.
- Teachers will enforce correct mask wearing in all classes and activities held indoors.
- Masks are strongly recommended for Primary students – but not enforced.
- We continue to have the students separated in cohorts as best we can and encourage good hand hygiene and physical distancing where we need to.
Staffing 2022: We are almost at the final stages of arranging staffing and loads for teachers in 2022 and will advise what is planned when we are able to confirm things as set.
Congratulations to the following staff who have accepted offers to work at McAuley next year in either Primary or Secondary classes: Bethany Bruce, Cat Dawson, Brie Groves, Ros Piper, Julie Piper, Veronica Thake and Belinda Schirmer.
Congratulations also to Mrs Helen Mullholland who has accepted appointment as REC at St Bede’s. Braidwood. Helen has worked as a casual at our local schools this year and is currently doing a fine job in 2M covering Janeanne’s leave.
We are very fortunate to have such high quality teachers keen to work at our school as many in NSW (and indeed Australia) are really struggling with recruitment at the present time.
Year 11/12 Planning: We continue to hold regular meetings and planning sessions with CE and a number of interested parties in the hope of providing access to Stage 6 and more VET options for McAuley students from 2023. We hope to have more concrete directions and plans as the year comes to a close. I would encourage any parents who would like to know more to please contact me for a chat.
Student Leaders 2022: Nominations and elections for our student leaders for next year have taken place. An email will go home early next week announcing our Leadership Team for 2022. Thank you to those many students who put themselves forward for leadership positions. Leadership holds both enormous challenges and many rewards. We look forward to being able to re-invigorate our leadership teams next year and provide them with many more opportunities to represent our school and the student body.
Day Excursions: Our Year 5/6 and Year 10 students are looking forward to their day excursions which are now possible under the current guidelines. Please watch your Compass app for emails and announcements for any events that are being made possible. The Primary Swim Program has been very smooth, despite the wet days, and I know it holds many benefits for our boys and girls in building their confidence and skills.
Community Council CE Representative: Congratulations to Natalie Bartlett who has been selected to represent our Community Council in working with Catholic Education to build and improve the operations of School Boards and Community Councils through a consultation process. Natalie is highly involved and very supportive of our school and I am grateful for her continued positive service and time. I am sure Natalie will be seeking questions, suggestions and advice from our families into 2022.
Compass App: There are still a number of families who have not accessed or downloaded the Compass app. Compass is the main means of communication being used by the school now. End of year reports will be released through Compass and families need to be able to access their accounts as other programs are phased out.
When installing please be sure to search for “McAuley Catholic Central School – Tumut” so you are directed to the correct school. Please contact the school office if you encounter any difficulty or contact the CE helpdesk on 1300 232 448.
Kinder/Year 7 2022 Orientation Day/s: It has been so lovely to have our Kindergarten class of 2022 on site for two days now. They are already shaping up to be a friendly and happy team. I spoke to their parents last week and welcomed the graduating class of 2032 (!!) It was terrific to see them met their Year 5 buddies yesterday as part of their orientation to school.
Please note change of date to Year 7, 2022 Orientation Day to Friday 3 December. Information on timings and requirements will be communicated.
Mary our Mother… Look after us.
Eamonn Moore
The Liturgical season of Advent begins this weekend.
Advent always begins four Sundays before Christmas, on the Sunday closest to the feast of St Andrew the Apostle (November 30th). Advent is the beginning of the liturgical calendar year and has been since the 900’s. The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means coming. It’s a time for preparation and anticipation of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
In recent years, I have produced five videos about walking. All five will be shared over coming weeks, via Zoom. After greetings and introductory remarks, I will ‘share screen’ (ie. share video) to take participants on a virtual walk (70-80 mins). Each journey will be vividly conveyed by photographs, accompanied by my carefully scripted narration and appropriate music. There will be opportunity for Q&A at interval and at conclusion.
I’ll follow with info about the first video presentations, both of which have connections to pilgrimage:
Starting in Le Puy-en-Velay, a 700+km walk through beautiful regions of France, including Conques, a famous pilgrimage town. The journey concludes at St. Jean Pied-de-Port in the Pyrenees, near the Spanish border. This path is walked by fewer people compared to the Camino in Spain, yet it is just as ancient, interesting and beautiful.
Thursday November 25th from 7.00pm. OR
Sunday November 28th from 2.00pm
The Kerry Way is probably Ireland’s most famous national waymarked trail. A 10-day walk around the Iveragh Peninsula in the west of Ireland, passing through small coastal villages and beautiful, wild mountain landscapes. The journey includes an excursion to Skellig Michael, an amazing steep rocky island with a well-preserved monastic village on its peak - a UNESCO world heritage site.
Wednesday December 1st from 7.30pm. OR
Saturday December 4th from 9.30am
BOOKINGS: The sessions above are now available for booking via my website at: Cost is $12 per session. After payment you’ll be able to download a pdf file with the zoom-link for your session(s). I will also confirm via email.
Other coming presentations – ‘Walking the Camino’ (Spain), ‘Surprising Ireland, Deeper Home’ and ‘Side Tracks of the Southern Highlands’ will happen during December. They are not yet available for booking, but, in a couple of weeks, more information and booking details will be provided.
Parent Communication:
Prepare reflectively for Christmas using the free online Walking Together Advent resource. Created by families for families, this home-grown Archdiocesan program will be made available in 4 instalments - one each week - including a 10 minute video and downloadable discussion/reflection questions. Use it whenever suits you, alone or in a small group. Or join a weekly zoom discussion group.
Watch a 3 minute trailer:
Explore the resource:
Join a zoom discussion group this Sunday 4pm or this Tuesday 10am
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 961 8683 9540
Enquiries 0429 192 869
Chisholm will be holding a "Rocking Christmas" fun day next Thursday 2nd December. Come to school rocking your Christmas spirit.
Gold coin donation. Proceed to Second Bite who rescue edible surplus food from growers, manufacturers and retailers and distribute it for free to 1,400+ community food programs across Australia to feed those in need.
Week 9 is Wellbeing Week. This gives staff, students and families a chance to have some quality time with relatives and friends.
There will be no staff meeting or student assignments or homework.
To celebrate Wellbeing Week, Chisholm will hold a "Rocking Christmas" fundraiser on Thursday 2nd December.
All students semester reports will be accessed via Compass. Hard copies will not be provided.
Please download the Compass App so you can receive your child's Semester 2 report.
Compass Parent Portal
Compass is now our main platform for communication, we are asking ALL families to please download the app onto your smartphones.
It is important to note that when you are searching for our school, after typing McAuley in the search bar, you need to scroll down and select McAuley Catholic Central School - Tumut.
From this semester, school reports will be received via Compass. You will not receive a hard copy of your child’s semester report.
We appreciate your support in making Compass a success for everyone!
The portal is accessible via the web
Hunter Year 8
I wish for everyone to join together in reconciliation to preach the love of God, and the gift of life to be celebrated in arms with each other, for everyone should rejoice the sacrifices Jesus made, in order for us to be here today.
Jude Year 8
I wish for everyone to join together in reconciliation to preach the love of God, and the gift of life to be celebrated in arms with each other, for everyone should rejoice the sacrifices Jesus made, in order for us to be here today.
Cooper Year 9
My Christmas wish is for the homeless people all around the world to be treated well this Christmas to cheer them up because they are the less unfortunate and they are the ones in need.
My Christmas wish for this year is that I hope everyone is recovering from the devastations of Covid 19. From being challenged from the impacts not allowing us to socialise, play community sports, attend weddings and funerals and not being able to celebrate with each other. My wish is for everyone to be safe and well during the Christmas holidays and for everyone to be hopefully celebrating with their loved ones.
Rori 5/6MT
My Christmas wish for this year is that my family get together because we have been split up since lockdown and haven’t seen them for ages. Families cannot get together and want to share their time with each other and bring joy for everyone to see. Christmas is all about the love and joy not about the presents it is about the compassion as well as the time and effort you put in for being together with your family.
By: Macy
My Christmas wish is to see my dad. I haven't seen him in a very long time and miss him a lot. I'm not allowed to see him because of the Victorian border. He lives in Beechworth with my cousins, and I'm not allowed to see him for Christmas. I love seeing my dad and it hurts a lot when I'm not allowed to see him.
My Christmas Wish- Being Together
By: Meg
This year my Christmas wish is to spend time with my family. Christmas is a great time to spend time with your family, because you never know when the next time you are going to see somebody is. So I want to make this Christmas the best family Christmas.
My Christmas Wish
Year 3
David: My Christmas wish is to be together with my family and friends in a peaceful way. I think the best Christmas gift is spending treasured time with your family. Christmas is also about celebrating traditional celebrations. No Christmas present can be better than spending time with loved ones.
Gracie: My Christmas wish is for everyone to see their families and friends, and for it to be a day where nobody fights, is sad, or has to go without. I hope everybody gets love or a gift, celebrates Jesus' birth and has a merry Christmas together!
My Christmas wish is for my family to be together. Hugs with Little Nanna, playing with the cousins, hunting with my uncles, Mum's amazing cooking. That's my Christmas wish.
Zac Year 5
Let’s be together and not be Greedy. Lets donate to the poor and those more needy. Also we give more than we receive. I wish that we can be together so we
can go to church and praise the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thomas Year 6
Year 10
My Christmas wish is for everybody to enjoy their Christmas. I wish that people who cannot enjoy the materialistic aspect of Christmas can find happiness on Christmas day and spend it with those who matter most. I wish that people will be able to look past the materialistic aspect and enjoy time with their friends and loved ones.
The majority of school-aged children are using group chats to communicate with their friends.
Staying in touch with each other is a wonderful thing, it keeps human connection alive in what at times has been a very isolating learning experience. Group chats however can often be a breeding ground for bad behaviour, with bullying and sextortion being high amongst negative experiences that students have faced.
The most commonly used group chat apps are WhatsApp, Snap Chat, Instagram, Discord, Kids Messenger, and Facebook Messenger, all of which allow individual and group communication.
Although the majority of group chat activity happens at home, schools do have a duty of care to minimise the risk of bullying and other dangers to a child. As such, here are a few tips to creating positive group chat experiences for your students:
- It is recommended that Primary School-aged children should only use Facebook Messenger for Kids so that parents can control what is going on in any group chats through the parental controls
- Devices should never ‘go to sleep’ with students. Normalise handing them over to their parents before bedtime or to put them in another room until the next day so they are unable to respond to messages at crazy times of the night and morning
- Help your students develop the skills to leave a group chat that is not helpful or is harmful in any way. Teach them simple phrases to remove themselves from toxic conversations - ‘Sorry guys, I’m not feeling comfortable talking about that’ or ‘This is getting a bit nasty for me, I’m going to go’.
- Remind students that they must always be kind, respectful and responsible at all times while engaging in a group chat. All it takes is for someone to take a screengrab of cyberbullying for interactions to become public and be used as evidence against them.
- This is just a snippet of information that is available within the Safe on Social Schools Toolkit.
Stage 3 students have been learning about the different forms of energy and how they can be transferred and transformed, and the generation, transfer, and use of electricity in our daily lives.
They had to research a form of energy or a significant person who contributed to our knowledge on electricity and present a mode, diorama of illustration of their research in a creative way.
These are some of our amazing efforts from 5/6 MT.
Belinda Schirmer
We have thirty two jumpers in lost property on the Primary Campus. None have names so they can not be returned to their rightful owner.
Please clearly label all uniform with your child's name.
Please see below fact sheets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families with children beginning High School in 2022 and those currently enrolled in High school.
‘Engaging Adolescents’ program will be delivered online via TEAMS on 6th and 10th December 2021 at 10.00am.
Referral form for participants to complete and return to
Please ensure that you provide an email address when booking to allow the link to the meeting to be sent to you.