Meet Our Teachers

Message from our Principal

Welcome to McAuley Catholic College Tumut.

We are a proud Catholic College operating as part of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.  McAuley has a rich history of educating boys and girls from the Tumut area since the Mercy Sisters established the school as St Brigid’s Girls School in 1882.  The Mercy Values handed down from Catherine McAuley and the nuns that followed are at the core of our ethos and promoted visibly as the cornerstones of our College culture.

As a K-12 College we offer a point of difference from other local schools.  We work in partnership with parents to mould the academic, social and spiritual growth of young people for 13 years.  This is a large portion of a student and family’s life.  This brings with it a long and proud tradition and a strong sense of belonging and school pride.  Our staff undertake this journey with care and with love.  Each student is unique and brings with them their own skills, talents and needs.  We work to communicate openly with parents and carers to create citizens who are willing and able to contribute positively to the life of the College and the local community.

Our College Motto “Believe, Strive, Achieve” gives us strong words on which to base our learning goals and interactions with one another.  These foundational words assist in enhancing a robust and positive college culture where hospitality and care for one another is paramount.  We aim (as Catherine McAuley also did) to build a community that “…renews, invigorates and warms others…”

I welcome your enquiries and look forward to sharing our College and classrooms with you.

Eamonn Moore

College Principal

Our College Staff


Mr Eamonn Moore

Assistant Principal - Secondary

Mr David Turnbull

Assistant Principal - Primary

Mr Mark Harmer

Religious Education Coordinator

Ms Anita Mason

Parish Priest

Fr Joseph Neonbasu

Primary Staff


Ms Brie Groves

Year 1

Mrs Ros Piper

Year 2

Mrs Michelle Hillier

Year 3

Miss Samantha Wyers

Year 4

Mrs Megan Turnbull

Year 5/6 Blue

Mrs Alicia Baldry &

Mr Mark Harmer

Year 5/6 Red

Mrs Telirah Roberts

Year 5/6 White

Mrs Mercedes Brown


Mrs Lyn Bathgate & Miss Lillie Bellette

Classroom Support Assistants

Mrs Maree Hughes

Ms Nakia Morriss

Mrs Jaime Hood

Miss Anna Stubbs

Mrs Kimberley Blundell

Ms Dora Du

Mrs Jacki Kerr

Mr Menzies Seumanutafa

Teacher Librarian

Mrs Kirsty Roche

Ms Liz Place

Coordinator of Inclusive Education

Mrs Libby Black

Learning Support 

Ms Janeanne Moss

Secondary Staff

Year 7.1

Ms Heidi Stubbs

Year 7.2

Mr Max Townsend

Year 7.3

Mrs Deanne Hughes

Year 8.1

Mrs Judy Sarton

Year 8.2

Mrs Belinda Schirmer

Year 9.1

Mr Graham Brown

Year 9.2

Ms Katie Campbell

Year 9.3

Ms Veronica Thake

Year 10.1

Mr Cameron Ellison

Year 10.2

Mrs Maree Stewart

Year 11.1

Mr Andrew Laswon

Year 11.2

Mr David Edwards

Year 12.1

Mrs Robyn Ryan

Year 12.2

Mrs Kirsty Roche

Secondary Teachers

Mrs Jo Dougherty

Ms Katie Haley

Ms Sarah Lu

Mrs Lucy Pearce

Mr Marcus Read

Mrs Liz Fordam

Ms Kathryn Gooch

Mrs Anthea Kinny

Ms Jordan Maki-Richards

Ms Julie Piper

Mr Mick Stewart

Primary Administration 

Ms Patricia Marsh

Miss Jessica Simpson

Secondary Secretary - Finance and Administration

Secondary Administration

Mrs Tricia Taylor

Mrs Larissa Buckley

Ms Narissa Mildren

Mrs Karen Lindley

Canteen Manager (Mon, Wed, Fri)

Canteen Assistant (Mon, Wed, Fri)

Ms Kellie Deudney

Mrs Lisa Watling


Mr Joseph Fava